Corey's Curbside Recycling Service

Corey’s Curbside Recycling (formerly and affectionately The Rice Family Recycling Co. – Rice Recycling): Personal curbside pick-up service for Delta and surrounding counties can be reached at:

(970) 361-5451 (text or call)

Service Area includes routes in every town and the furthest reaches off-pavement. No matter your location, you are already on a route. Text or call with name and address information to get started. Please be patient for a response as I am a one-woman operation caring for myself and others. Namaste.

Corey's Curbside Recycling Service

Corey’s Curbside Recycling (formerly and affectionately The Rice Family Recycling Co. – Rice Recycling): Personal curbside pick-up service for Delta and surrounding counties can be reached at:

(970) 361-5451 (text or call)

Service Area includes routes in every town and the furthest reaches off-pavement. No matter your location, you are already on a route. Text or call with name and address information to get started. Please be patient for a response as I am a one-woman operation caring for myself and others. Namaste.

“What a great service Corey offers the community of Delta County! Honest and reasonably priced; Rice recycling really goes above and beyond to meet the customers’ needs.”
Ann Stinson

Who do we serve?

Personal curb-side service for Delta, Montrose, Gunnison Counties.

Sales area: Delta county as far as Somerset, Montrose County to Black Canyon Rd, Peach Valley, and Delta to the Recycling drop-off. Reduce your carbon footprint! Group with neighbors and friends and save money by keeping a single pick-up site. During the consultation, Corey will give a detailed lesson on reducing, reusing, and proper recycling, and can also present it to your group or organization.

A lot of potential customers think curbside means in town. In reality, I have customers on every Mesa! If you can get in during winter, I probably can too. Call me! 970-874-1240 for urban & rural recycling pickup.

Why Recycle?

Recycling is a last resort. Rice Recycling isn’t about helping you recycle more. It is about helping you reduce your carbon footprint. And we don’t recycle rice. I was called once, no joke, about 5 tons of basmati rice.

Rice Recycling is about a passion for the environment and global change through local action. Recycling is a global issue. It’s all about your carbon footprint.  And plastic is the worst offender. It is made from oil. American soldiers have died for plastic consumption because it is tied to oil consumption.

The general population’s need for cheaper and more convenient products has fed an environment and economy devastating monster. Fuel is burned to make items and their packaging. It is used to transport items. Giant corporations like Wal-Mart and Amazon ship items all over the world. Fuel is also used when those items are taken to a landfill or recycled. This practice of purchasing cheaper items made overseas comes at a great cost.  

Every piece of plastic we have ever made still exists today. Plastic takes a long time to degrade. Chances are, every piece of plastic you have purchased, used for a moment, and then thrown out still exists somewhere. And yet, according to the EPA, a whopping 91.6% of all plastics go un-recycled.

Who do we serve?

Personal curb-side service for Delta, Montrose, Gunnison Counties.

Sales area: Delta county as far as Somerset, Montrose County to Black Canyon Rd, Peach Valley, and Delta to the Recycling drop-off. Reduce your carbon footprint! Group with neighbors and friends and save money by keeping a single pick-up site. During the consultation, Corey will give a detailed lesson on reducing, reusing, and proper recycling, and can also present it to your group or organization.

A lot of potential customers think curbside means in town. In reality, I have customers on every Mesa! If you can get in during winter, I probably can too. Call me! 970-874-1240 for urban & rural recycling pickup.

Why Recycle?

Recycling is a last resort. Rice Recycling isn’t about helping you recycle more. It is about helping you reduce your carbon footprint. And we don’t recycle rice. I was called once, no joke, about 5 tons of basmati rice.

Rice Recycling is about a passion for the environment and global change through local action. Recycling is a global issue. It’s all about your carbon footprint.  And plastic is the worst offender. It is made from oil. American soldiers have died for plastic consumption because it is tied to oil consumption.

The general population’s need for cheaper and more convenient products has fed an environment and economy devastating monster. Fuel is burned to make items and their packaging. It is used to transport items. Giant corporations like Wal-Mart and Amazon ship items all over the world. Fuel is also used when those items are taken to a landfill or recycled. This practice of purchasing cheaper items made overseas comes at a great cost.  

Every piece of plastic we have ever made still exists today. Plastic takes a long time to degrade. Chances are, every piece of plastic you have purchased, used for a moment, and then thrown out still exists somewhere. And yet, according to the EPA, a whopping 91.6% of all plastics go un-recycled.

Jessica Neurock
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"Corey is awesome! She provides a much needed service."
Ann Stinson
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"What a great service Rice recycling offers the community of Delta County! Honest and reasonably priced; Rice recycling really goes above and beyond to meet the customers' needs."
Robin Bolter Spiker
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"Love the service and Corey is fabulous. I love that I can put everything together and it’s separated and recycled not just thrown in a dump."
Kristine Love
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So grateful for the service Corey provides!
Lucy Warner
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Excellent service at reasonable rates. We rely on Rice Recycling!!

Frequently Asked Questions:

Don’t “they” only take rigid plastics #1 & #2?


  • Rice Recycling picks up #1 & #2 household and up to #7+ if it’s reusable.
  • Double J only takes #1 & #2.
  • Waste Management takes #1-#7 but only sells (for reprocessing) #1 & 2. The rest goes to the landfill.

Why is there a difference?

  • Double J is limited to local buyers. #1 & #2 are the most profitable in the United States and the only plastic we reprocess due to strict emission laws.
  • Waste Management is global and can sell, reuse, and reprocess much more before it goes to the landfill.
  • Rice Recycling takes things for donation so many of the items get reused or passed along even if it has no number. The difference in carbon footprint is up to the consumer. Reduce your use of fossil fuels (can’t make new plastics without oil), cease using single-use items (practice zero-waste if you’re passionate), and sort your recycling according to guidelines.

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Give Corey a Call Today!

Call me! (970) 361-5451 (text or call) for urban & rural recycling pickup.