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Don’t “they” only take rigid plastics #1 & #2?


  • Rice Recycling picks up #1 & #2 household and up to #7+ if it’s reusable.
  • Double J only takes #1 & #2.
  • Waste Management takes #1-#7 but only sells (for reprocessing) #1 & 2. The rest goes to the landfill.

Why is there a difference?

  • Double J is limited to local buyers. #1 & #2 are the most profitable in the United States and the only plastic we reprocess due to strict emission laws.
  • Waste Management is global and can sell, reuse, and reprocess much more before it goes to the landfill.
  • Rice Recycling takes things for donation so many of the items get reused or passed along even if it has no number. The difference in carbon footprint is up to the consumer. Reduce your use of fossil fuels (can’t make new plastics without oil), cease using single-use items (practice zero-waste if you’re passionate), and sort your recycling according to guidelines.

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